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JOpera: A Flexible System for Visual Service Composition

Publication Type  Poster
Year of Publication  2004
Authors  Pautasso, C.
Date Published  September 2004
Place Published  LASER Summer School, Elba, Italy

A Workflow Approach to Stream Processing

Publication Type  Thesis
Year of Publication  2008
Authors  Bioernstad, B.
Academic Department  Diss. ETH No. 17600
University  ETH Zurich, Computer Science Department
Degree  PhD Thesis
URL  Click Here

JOpera Overview

Publication Type  Talk
Year of Publication  2007
Authors  Heinis, T.
Place Published  EAI Lecture, ETH Zurich

Emergency Rescue in Norway

This emergency rescue demo takes as input a Norvegian phone number and uses it to compute the best route between the current position of the caller and the nearest ambulance. The result is plotted on a Google Map, which you can look at in a browser if you configure JOpera's embedded Web server to use port 8082.

How to run the demo

  1. Download and unzip the JOpera projects.
  2. Import the project into your JOpera workspace.
  3. Explore and run any of the processes of the included OML files using the provided default values.

The JOpera Project

Publication Type  Talk
Year of Publication  2006
Authors  Pautasso, C.
Date Published  15.11.2006
Place Published  ETH Open Source Stammtisch

Version 2.3.6, released on July 9th 2008

New Process Monitoring Widget Feature:


  • Updating activators is now immediately reflected in the control flow view
  • Monitoring widget used in the Web monitor (Start Process Popup)
  • Updated documentation

Version 2.3.4, released on April 17th 2008

New JOpera Engine Threads preference page:

  • Start and stop the embedded http server and configure its listening port
  • The api server can now be configured to run automatically when the kernel starts


  • Several documentation updates and fixes

Download the latest release of JOpera from the update site:

Version 2.3.0, released on January 10th, 2008

It features support for Java 1.5, a rewritten compiler for pipelined processing over sources of streaming data, and an improved Web-based monitoring interface, and a number of bug fixes.

Download the latest release of JOpera from the update site:

Version 2.3.3, released on March 13th, 2008

New Features:

  • Control and data flow edges use bendpoints by default


  • The freeze command will save the state of processes in the first open project

Compiler Fixes (thanks to Andreas Quandt):

  • Java Snippets: default values for output parameters correctly initialized
  • Java Snippets: default empty values now correctly typed
  • Loops: system parameters will be reinitialized from updated input parameter values
  • Condition operators now work for simple types

Version 2.3.1, released on January 30th, 2008

It features a new AJAX worklist manager, some important bug fixes in the Condor adapter, and the ability to freeze the execution state of process instances to disk.

Download the latest release of JOpera from the update site: