5.1: Introduction
The Monitoring Widget is a simple Web-based tool that
allows the monitoring of the processes running on a
remote server from a common Web browser. It is available since JOpera v2.3.6.
This tool may be integrated and executed within any HTML web page by embedding a chunk of code within the page.
Figure 5.1: Monitoring a Running Process
The figure above shows an example where each instance of the
process is described by the states of their tasks.
Each task has a name on the left and a colored rectangle at the right.
The color, that may change over time, defines the current state of the task.
On the top there is a
button, that when clicked, terminates the execution of the monitoring widget, which may
further be restarted by clicking again on the same button.
Clicking on the STOP
button will not stop the execution of the process but only pause its monitoring by the widget - the Stop button can be hidden using CSS
5.2: Adding a Monitoring Widget
In order to use the Monitoring Widget, you need to add some lines of code to your HTML Web page.
Multiple Widgets can be added to the same page
Load the widget API by adding the following line into the HTML head element:
Figure 5.2: Include the widget API in the page header
The jopera.js
script is served by JOpera's embedded Web server
Choose which process should be displayed:
Figure 5.3: Load and configure the widget
Create a
container where the widget will be placed:
Figure 5.4: Widget container
The id
of the div
element has to be the same as the first argument
used to initialize the TaskDisplalyer
widget object.
5.3: Example
Copy and Paste this example HTML code in your page to get started:
<script src="http://localhost:8080/ui.v2/scripts/jopera.js"></script>
function load() { new TaskDisplayer("process"); }
<body onload="load()">
<div id="process"></div>
5.4: TaskDisplayer API
There are three ways for creating the Monitoring Widget depending if you want to
display all process, or only a single process, and in this case, if you are
interested in a particular instance or in all the instances.
Display all processes:
Figure 5.5: All the processes
Where the argument process
is the id
of the div
element where the widget will be displayed.
Display a single process with all pf its instances:
Figure 5.6: A single process
Where the second argument is the name of the process.
Display a single process with a specific instance:
Figure 5.7: A single instance
Where the third argument is the instance number.