
Version 2.6.0, released on October 12th 2011


  • JOpera runs on Eclipse 3.7 Indigo
    • Fixes:

      • WSDL Endpoints for processes no longer include illegal characters (thanks to Meena Sengu)
      • JOpera Library configuration now stored persistently as a project property (XPath programs dragged from the library should no longer disappear after restarting Eclipse) (thanks to Esteban Etayo Gil)

Version 2.5.4, released on November 24th 2010

New Features:

  • JS Adapter (embed JavaScript snippets into your processes - requires Java6)


Version 2.5.3, released on October 25th 2010


  • ARC adapter supports local UI installations
  • REST.TASK adapter serves task resources in JSON/XML/ATOM content types

Version 2.5.2, released on September 22nd 2010

New Features:

  • new REST.TASK adapter (tasks can be remotely controlled from REST clients)
  • new verifier extension point
  • new ID_URI system parameter for identifying tasks and processes through URIs


  • REST.RESPOND adapter can send HTTP headers

Version 2.5.1, released on September 9th 2010

New Features:

  • Added AutoRun kernel option (thanks to Achille Peternier)

Version 2.5.0, released on July 15th 2010

New Features:

  • Runs on Eclipse 3.6 Helios (32bit)
  • Multi-Threaded Process Execution Kernel
  • Added MapTube Mashup Example (thanks to Andrea Reber)
  • Added Kernel Extension Point for providing custom ThreadPool


  • Updated XtremWebCH and ARC Adapters (thanks to Francesco Lelli)

Version 2.4.9, released on December 10th 2009

New Features:


  • REST API extended to produce application/atom+xml feeds
  • REST API supports server-side filtering with URL wildcards
  • Deploy/Undeploy processes by simply adding or removing .oml files from the server workspace
  • Starting a JOpera server on an empty workspace will now automagically create a JOpera project ready to accept your .oml files

Version 2.4.8, release November 12th 2009

New Features:


  • Extended ARC job submission adapter to support embedded XRLS job descriptions
  • ARC adapter can now reliably kill submitted jobs
  • REST API: addressability down to the parameter level

Version 2.4.7, released on September 2nd 2009

New Features:

  • New REST workflow engine API:
    • GET the current state of a workflow instance in HTML, XML, or JSON format at anytime
    • POST new workflow instances (blocking and non-blocking request patterns)
    • DELETE process instances once they are finished
  • REST Adapter: publish your own URIs from workflows

Version 2.4.6, released on July 24th 2009

New Features:

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