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Version 2.4.5, released on May 19th 2009

New Features:

  • Easier to start running processes:
    • Start Button added to the Process Information page
    • Start Pop-up Menu Command added to the Outline
  • Improved Component Type Model:
    • Added Preference to show Component Type list in Overview Page
    • Component Type definitions can use inheritance
    • Choose predefined types for Component Type Parameters
    • Added QuickFix to disable invalid component types

Split and merge arcs: constraints on usage

I have a workflow that looks like this:
FileSource -arc1-> Process1 -arc2-> Process2 -arc3-> output

What I would like to achieve is for arc 1 to split, and arc 3 to merge: i.e. I would like arc 2 to copy. However, it seems like a merge is automatically inserted after each process that takes a split: i.e. arc 2 is a merge by default. This is causing my workflow to not work as expected.

JOpera is Peer to Peer or Distributed Workflow engine ?

Hi All,
Could you please anyone help me identify whether JOpera is a Distributed or Peer to Peer workflow engine? If it is not Peer to Peer is there anyway we can make it behave like Peer to Peer engine.

Jayakumar A

JOpera outside Eclipse


Is JOpera instalable outside Eclipse?
For example, as an application in a Tomcat server?
In other words:
if I would like to deploy JOpera on mys server, is it necessary to install Eclipse on my server?

Jean-Claude Moissinac



Retrieving the state of a process instance using GET

RESTful Web service composition with BPEL for REST

Publication Type  Journal Article
Year of Publication  2009
Authors  Pautasso, C.
Journal Title  Data and Knowledge Engineering
Volume  68
Issue  9
Pages  851-866
Key Words  Web Service Composition; RESTful Web Service; BPEL Extension; REST
URL  Click Here
DOI  doi:10.1016/j.datak.2009.02.016

Version 2.4.9, released on December 10th 2009

New Features:


  • REST API extended to produce application/atom+xml feeds
  • REST API supports server-side filtering with URL wildcards
  • Deploy/Undeploy processes by simply adding or removing .oml files from the server workspace
  • Starting a JOpera server on an empty workspace will now automagically create a JOpera project ready to accept your .oml files

Composing RESTful services with JOpera

Publication Type  Conference Paper
Year of Publication  2009
Authors  Pautasso, C.
Conference Name  International Conference on Software Composition 2009
Series Title  LNCS
Volume  5634
Pagination  142–159
Month  July
Publisher  Springer
Conference Location  Zurich, Switzerland
Key Words  REST; Service Composition; DoodleMap

JOpera on Windows 7

JOpera on Windows 7

JOpera 2.4.8 running the doodle map mashup example on Windows 7

Submitting jobs to XtremWebCH

Submitting jobs to XtremWebCH