Search: 2007

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Let it flow: Building Mashups with Data Processing Pipelines

Publication Type  Conference Paper
Year of Publication  2007
Authors  Bioernstad, B.; Pautasso, C.
Conference Name  Proc. of Mashups'07 International Workshop on Web APIs and Services Mashups at ICSOC'07
Month  September
Conference Location  Vienna, Austria
URL  Click Here
Citation Key  mashups08.flow

Introduction to JOpera

Publication Type  Talk
Year of Publication  2007
Authors  Pautasso, C.
Date Published  17.1.2007
Place Published  Whitestein Technologies, Zurich

Autonomic resource provisioning for software business processes

Publication Type  Journal Article
Year of Publication  2007
Authors  Pautasso, C.; Heinis, T.; Alonso, G.
Journal Title  Information and Software Technology
Volume  49
Issue  1
Pages  65-80
Journal Date  January
Key Words  Service oriented architectures; Web service composition; Autonomic computing; Distributed business process execution engines
URL  Click Here
DOI  doi:10.1016/j.infsof.2006.08.010

Grid-based Analysis of Tandem Mass Spectrometry Data in Clinical Proteomics

Publication Type  Conference Paper
Year of Publication  2007
Authors  Quandt, A.; Hernandez, P.; Kunzst, P.; Pautasso, C.; Tuloup, M.; Appel, R.
Conference Name  HealthGrid 2007
Conference Location  Geneva, Switzerland
Key Words  Grid Workflows; SwissPIT

JOpera Overview

Publication Type  Talk
Year of Publication  2007
Authors  Heinis, T.
Place Published  EAI Lecture, ETH Zurich