Hello all,
Could you point me to the way how to make JOpera to submit a job successfully to Condor?
I either get error at Prepare stage, truncated submit file on submission host, or even if
a job is dispatched, then flows still exits with error...
I followed "Grid Service Execution for JOpera" by Oliver Deak
I'm trying to do a simplest test of Condor adapter, I has performed the following
in Eclipse menu, I go to Condor Submit File Wizard. In the wizard ->
container : default name
File name : condor_ls.sub
universe type : vanilla
use ssh for job submission,
submit machine: me@
certificate : F:\home\.ssh\id_dsa
Next ->
Program already located on remote machine
remote spool : /tmp/condor_spool_me
Program : ls
(rest are defaults)
with this, condor_ls.oml and condor_ls.sub get created. I save condor_ls.sub.
Then I double-click on condor_ls.oml ->
choose "CondorJobSubmitter 1.0" in Programs, press "Edit"
and in "Adapters" , I select "CondorAccessMethod(CONDOR)" and press "Edit"
submitfile : condor_ls.sub
spool : F:\projs\space2\jo2\condor_spool
connectstring : me@
credential : F:\home\.ssh\id_dsa
then I click on "Advanced System Parameters" and choose:
copy : true
retrieve : false
(without these Prepare Job stage is failing )
I save changes in condor_ls.oml .
Then I go to "Overview" tab (at bottom) in condor_ls.oml file pane.
In processes, I press "Add" button, Choose "NewProcess 1.0" and press "Edit".
Then I go way down to "Tasks" and select "Activities" and press "Add" button.
When NewActivity created, I press "Browse" button near "Invoke" field.
In the appeared "Program Browser" window, I select "CondorJobSubmitter" (the one
that I configured earlier) among matching items, and then I press "OK" to close
the "Program Browser" window.
Then I click in "ControlFlow" tab at the bottom and then I right-click in the
empty pane, in popup menu I choose "Tasks" -> "NewActivity".
Then I click in "DataFlow" tab at the bottom and then I right-click in the
empty pane, in popup menu I choose "Tasks" -> "NewActivity" and then I move it
to the center.
At this point I save condor_ls.oml file.
Then I click in "Overview" tab at the bottom and in the "Processes" I click on
"NewProcess 1.0" and press start button. Then in the opened "RunConfigurations"
window, I press "Run" button.
Submission failed
ch.ethz.jopera.subsystems.condor.api.CondorException: JOB SUBMISSION FAILED
Submitting job(s)
ERROR: "condor_ls.sub" doesn't contain any "queue" commands -- no jobs queued
Local copy of condor_ls.sub:
# Condor Submit File created on Wed Feb 24 19:23:50 EST 2010 by me
universe = vanilla
executable = ls
log = condor_ls.log
output = stdout.txt
error = stderr.txt
initialdir = /tmp/condor_spool_vadym
should_transfer_files = YES
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
remote copy has "queue" line missing even if I add several of them locally. They seems to be
removed during the file staging
if I do create a separate oml file, create similar adapter for the same .sub file
and then configure similar process and run it, then it still exits with error:
Index: 0, Size: 0
although this seems to runs the job on condor, stdout looks strange and as I mentioned it
exits with error.
JOpera machine is WinXP, condor submission host is Ubuntu flavor.
Condor version :
$CondorVersion: 7.2.4 Jun 15 2009 BuildID: 159529 $
$CondorPlatform: I386-LINUX_DEBIAN50 $
Could someone provide information on how to properly use CONDOR adapters and
run activities on condor pool?
Thank you