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High Performance Execution of Service Compositions: a Multicore-aware Engine Design

Publication Type  Journal Article
Year of Publication  2013
Authors  Peternier, A.; Pautasso, C.; Binder, W.; Bonetta, D.
Journal Title  Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience
DOI  10.1002/cpe.2948


If you would like to add a reference to your work to this page, do not hesitate to send us a link.

Problem with web service

I try to use simple web service but when i try to run a proccess with web service i have this exception:

SEVERE: Method Parameter: return cannot be null. This is BP 1.1 R2211 violation. Method Parameter: return cannot be null. This is BP 1.1 R2211 violation.

I use web service with this wsdl: RI's version is JAX-WS RI 2.1.6 in JDK 6.
--> RI's version is JAX-WS RI 2.1.6 in JDK 6.

Publishing parameter type and default value via the process' REST-API

Dear JOpera team,

pertaining to my unresolved request about resource pattern support [1]
I found a significant limitation of the REST-API to process invocation:

- [2] lists all published processes
- using this info [3] resolves the input API of a particular process
- unlike the Eclipse run condiguration the REST-API neither conveys the
expected data type nor default value of the parameter
- the WSDL/SOAP-API displays just the data types due to restrictions of WSDL
- although being available statically (at process definiton level) the default

List-based loops

Hello sir,

I need some information of how to make List-based loops in Jopera (i.e i want to invoke a web service or a process many times).
So, could you please send me some information in order to resolve this problem?

Best regards

XML transformation


How can I work with XSLT transformation, becauce you don't have it in the documentation ?

ERROR:The program SOAP_someOperation could not be inserted

Dear JOpera Team,

When I imported WSDL of some web service, Most of the operations were imported with no errors except some operations. I got the following error in some operations of WSDL

ERROR:The program SOAP_someOperation could not be inserted
With Exception:

What is the reason?

Best Regrards

Deploying services built with JOpera


I'm developing services with JOpera, which seems to me to be a very powerful approach about services composition.

But, I doesn't understand clearly how I can deploy web services based on JOpera.
I'm developing services under Windows and have web server under Linux; can I deploy a JOpera engine on my APache/Tomcat under Eclipse?

Jean-Claude Moissinac

INVOKE and WSIF have an invalid component-type reference... in 2.4.1 on Ganymede

I installed all components of JOpera 2.4.1 on Eclipse Ganymede, but unfortunately I don't have components like INVOKE, REPLY, RECIEVE, WSIF... in component browser.

When creating a project and importing one of the Web Service examples, I get following errors:

  • Adapter "INVOKE" has an invalid Component-Type reference: system.router.CT_INVOKE ws_quiz.oml joperatest1 getCorrectAnswerForQuestionById.INVOKE JOpera Problem

Human Adapter Worklist

Hey there,

I was wondering, if there is a way of accessing the Worklist without using the jOpera Worklist Page.
Maybe it can be accessed via a REST Api or something?

I want to integrate the Worklist in another Webapp so what I need is a way to read the list so I can parse it and display it on another page, preferably in XML or JSON. From there I want to be able to feed the users answers back to the jOpera process.

Is there a way I can do that?

Thanks in advance