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Bug/Exception handling: MalformedURL: Illegal character in URL

I create a composite service of REST services. one task receives a URL as input parameters. when running the process always fail this task and I get the error message " MalformedURL: Illegal character in URL". Although the URL works properly in a browser.
I have also tried a web service to invoke, as the input parameters a url is with this url and it worked well. Where exactly is the problem? thank you for your answers

How to configure instance persistence

Dear JOpera support,
how is the peristence of instances/tasks configured with JOpera server to maintain the state
beyond server shutdown ? This is esp. needed to recover long running (human) tasks.
Chapter 7 (FAQ) mentions such an option without providing any details:
"If you have configured the kernel to use persistent storage, this information
may even survive kernel crashes."

Many thanks

Run Jopera workflow using SGE

We have a Linux-based HPC cluster and using SGE to manage jobs. We will be constructing workflows that link command-line applications. What is the best way to use JOpera in this setup? Does JOpera has any special adapters for handling jobs submitted through 'qsub' command in SGE ?


Type Task SOAP_X has an invalid Condition: String index out of range: 109


When i make a condition like this (PROC.m<>(T.a) AND (T.b)) so i receive as problem the following "Task SOAP_X has an invalid Condition: String index out of range: 109".

Could you help me please
Best Regards
Master student

control flow

Hello Sir,

I want to make a condition before the execution of a task.(i.e, if the condition is true then the task will be executed else it doesn't ).
Where can i make this condition?(please i need some information about this subject)

Best Regards


Publication Type  Conference Paper
Year of Publication  2008
Authors  Pautasso, C.
Conference Name  7th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM08)
Series Title  BPM
Pagination  278-293
Month  September
Conference Location  Milan, Italy
Key Words  REST; BPEL
Citation Key  bpm08.bpel4rest

Support for REST service invocation


i have read Cesare Pautasso's presentation about RESTful service composition with JOpera [1].

Does the example workflow (doodle map mashup, p27) integrate existing REST apis ? If yes, is this testable in the current release (2.4.2) ? I have only found the screenshot of the doodle REST api call [2] in the documentation.

As I am currently dealing with REST service integration in workflows I find your project really interesting and look forward to your answer.



Parameters Type


I'm very interested by your project.
I've not investigated all the documents in details, but I've not identified a piece of information: types available for the parameters.
I plan to test a process which calls a REST service which takes the URL of an image, a width and returns a transformed image with the specified width.

Can we manage an image as result of a step in a JOpera workflow?

Thank's for your tool

Jean-Claude Moissinac
Associate Professor

How to load a missing library

When I load the example ws_eliza.oml I get errors which look to me as if I am missing a library:

Description Resource Path Location Type
Adapter "INVOKE" has an invalid Component-Type reference: system.router.CT_INVOKE ws_eliza.oml JOperaTry1 Eliza.INVOKE JOpera Problem

I have enabled all available libraries in the JOpera library path setting, but I am not sure which library I am missing and where to find the right plug-in for it

I am using Eclipse: Version: 3.4.0
Build id: I20080617-2000
and JOpera 2.3.7

Thanks for your support

Version 2.6.0, released on October 12th 2011


  • JOpera runs on Eclipse 3.7 Indigo
    • Fixes:

      • WSDL Endpoints for processes no longer include illegal characters (thanks to Meena Sengu)
      • JOpera Library configuration now stored persistently as a project property (XPath programs dragged from the library should no longer disappear after restarting Eclipse) (thanks to Esteban Etayo Gil)