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Problems to POST to a RESTful Web Service


I'm using JOpera for Eclipse to create a RESTful Web Services composition.

When I try POST for any resource, the process return me the message
"IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 500 for URL:
http://localhost:8080/project/hospedagem/". So, I can't POST to the RESTful
Web Service.

What may be happening? Please give me some tips for I solve this problem.

Thank you for all!!!


Rodrigo Pupe

JME Projects

Can JOpera be useful for composing JME projects? if yes how? if no then can it be modified to allow orchestrating services written in JME?

Publishing parameter type and default value via the process' REST-API

Dear JOpera team,

pertaining to my unresolved request about resource pattern support [1]
I found a significant limitation of the REST-API to process invocation:

- [2] lists all published processes
- using this info [3] resolves the input API of a particular process
- unlike the Eclipse run condiguration the REST-API neither conveys the
expected data type nor default value of the parameter
- the WSDL/SOAP-API displays just the data types due to restrictions of WSDL
- although being available statically (at process definiton level) the default

List-based loops

Hello sir,

I need some information of how to make List-based loops in Jopera (i.e i want to invoke a web service or a process many times).
So, could you please send me some information in order to resolve this problem?

Best regards

XML transformation


How can I work with XSLT transformation, becauce you don't have it in the documentation ?

Human Adapter Worklist

Hey there,

I was wondering, if there is a way of accessing the Worklist without using the jOpera Worklist Page.
Maybe it can be accessed via a REST Api or something?

I want to integrate the Worklist in another Webapp so what I need is a way to read the list so I can parse it and display it on another page, preferably in XML or JSON. From there I want to be able to feed the users answers back to the jOpera process.

Is there a way I can do that?

Thanks in advance

HTTP Adapter: urlstring parameters no longer escaped by default ... How to escape parameters?

In a RESTful Call to this service:

The input parameter q is query that can contain any characters, including spaces(%20), etc...

The question is what is the best way within the jopera framework to escape the parameters in order to be use in the HTTP adapter in a GET call?

should we use a JS script to encode the parameter?



Problem: "broken cardinality constraints. cannot connect them"


Could you help me please?
I want to know the source of this problem: "broken cardinlity contraints . cannot connect them"
How to change a cardinality of a branch?

Best Regards

issue with Condor adapter

Firstly, Thank you for JOpera, it is an excellent tool! I'm learning its functionality and trying to evaluate it.

This message is to report a Condor adapter issue:
*.sub files lose the line with "queue" command during staging from local host (Eclipse with JOpera) to condor submission host. And Condor adapter programs (in eclipse 3.5, eclipse 3.5.1, on Windows XP) exit with error message:
Submission failed
ch.ethz.jopera.subsystems.condor.api.CondorException: JOB SUBMISSION FAILED
Submitting job(s)

Parse JSON response from a RESTful call

I am working in a class project to demo RESTful web service workflows. The idea is to use different web services available online: e.g Google Services...

I implemented a HTTP adapter to perform a GET to the Google Translation RESTful Web Service.
The URL is

The response of this call is given as JSON only (No XML support), and the format is:
"data": {
"translations": [
"translatedText": "fleurs"