Search: Thesis

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A Flexible System for Visual Service Composition

Publication Type  Thesis
Year of Publication  2004
Authors  Pautasso, C.
Academic Department  Diss. ETH No. 15608
University  ETH Zurich, Computer Science Department
Degree  PhD Thesis
URL  Click Here

Workflow-based Services: Infrastructure for Scientific Applications

Publication Type  Thesis
Year of Publication  2009
Authors  Heinis, T.
Academic Department  Diss. ETH No. 18217
University  ETH Zurich, Dept of Computer Science
City  Zurich
Degree  PhD Thesis
URL  Click Here

A Workflow Approach to Stream Processing

Publication Type  Thesis
Year of Publication  2008
Authors  Bioernstad, B.
Academic Department  Diss. ETH No. 17600
University  ETH Zurich, Computer Science Department
Degree  PhD Thesis
URL  Click Here